Friday, June 3, 2011

All this is to say, I told you so.

Alright friends,

I told you so.

Let me back up.  I think when I started my last blog post, I was clueless.  Now, I've matured a week or so and maybe I know more now than I did then.  I say that to say, I have direction... possibly.  Instead of rambling on about how great Shreveport shopping is (some of you just rolled your eyes,)  I should SHOW you.  Better yet, I should share.  That would a.) be nice of me and b.) give me something to do. 

This is what is about to happen:  I am going to show you some ridiculous-in-a-good-way finds. Then, I am going to post it on eBay for the price that I found it.  Finally, I have a reason to keep buying things I don't need because hopefully someone else out there needs them!

So let's get started.

First up, I have a small Chi Omega Charles River pullover that is navy blue with a red stripe.  I know, I know.  I can hear you all now: "Jocelynn, why do you have that?"  The answer is simple.  I found it at a local Goodwill (told you so) and I just had to rescue it!  I would hate to see my panda letters on a random person who bought them from a Goodwill and I can safely assume my owl friends wouldn't be excited to see them on a random either. It's like brand new and I promise, it doesn't even stink. So you're welcome.

I bought the jacket for $6.99.  It only has Chi Omega letters on the front left of the chest.  The back is still blank.  I think that it should go to a future big sis for their little this coming fall.  You can take it down to the lovely folks at the Greek Vine and let them put some crazy letters on it.  You all know I love the Greek Vine.

Well, hopefully I didn't waste my $7 and we find our little jacket a new home!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

All this is to say, Goodwill rocks.

Where did you get that?
                    Where are you from?
                                      Is your family doing well?
                                                             What do you do?

Simple questions, right?  Answers should be:  T.J.Maxx, Arkansas, yes, and teach.  But for some reason I never let it be that easy.  For some reason, I feel like the one word answer is not the whole and complete answer, so I find myself rambling until I realize that it is time to wrap it up.  I shake my head and begin my next statement:  "I say all of this to say,_____(insert simple answer here)___."

Another question:  Is this blog really all about you and your weird situation with answering questions?

Simple answer (finally!): NO! 

I actually wanted to start blogging about the killer shopping finds that I keep happening upon in stores and online.  The explanation of "I say all of this to say..." lends itself nicely to shopping because, as all avid shoppers know, there is no room for simple answers.  I love to hear the all the details of the good find:  the store, label, and finally, the deal.

So, let's start it out on a strong Website that always has some goodies, the ever-dependable Goodwill.  Can you believe that instead of digging and hoping to come across your Folkloric pattern Vera Bradley hipster, you can simply search online and cross your fingers.  You can also save a few pennies on shipping by searching your local Goodwill exclusively and picking up your treasure as soon as the auction is over.

I'll have to post some of the wins I've had on this site.  All of this is to say, Goodwill rocks.